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发布日期:2024-10-18 04:11:03 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Use strong passwords and dont go to sketchy websites, and youll protect yourself online, right?用于强劲的密码,不上乱七八糟的网站,你在网上就安全性了,对吗?

Use strong passwords and dont go to sketchy websites, and youll protect yourself online, right?用于强劲的密码,不上乱七八糟的网站,你在网上就安全性了,对吗?Well... Thats a good start. But its not quite that simple.好吧,这是个好的开始,但事实并没那么非常简单。A new report from Pew Research details some of Americans biggest misconceptions about cybersecurity.皮尤研究中心的一份新的报告所列了美国人关于网络安全最少见的一些误会。Myth 1. Emails are always secure误会1:电子邮件总是安全性的。

Fewer than half -- 46% -- of people said they know email is not always encrypted. Encryption ensures only the sender and recipient are able to access the emails.将近半数(46%)的人回应,他们告诉电子邮件不总是加密的。加密保证只有发送者和接受者能看见邮件。Although many email providers, such as Google and Yahoo, encrypt emails, its not universal. Some companies alert users if communications are unencrypted -- for instance Gmail displays warning icons when you send or receive an email from an insecure source.尽管许多电邮提供商,还包括谷歌和雅虎,都会对电子邮件展开加密,但不是所有电邮提供商都这么做到。

如果通信没被加密,一些公司不会警告用户,比如Gmail邮箱在你向不安全性地址发送到电子邮件或从来不安全性地址接管电子邮件时不会经常出现警告标志。If youre concerned, switch to Gmail, Yahoo Mail, or another provider that encrypts by default.如果你担忧的话,就转用Gmail、雅虎邮箱,或其他配置文件加密的电邮提供商。

Myth 2. Private browsing is always private误会2:“隐私网页”模式总是维护隐私的。Surfing the web in private (or incognito) mode prevents the browser -- like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari -- from collecting data about your activities. But it doesnt prevent an internet service provider, like Comcast, from monitoring your activity.用隐私网页模式网际网路时,不会制止谷歌、火狐或Safari等浏览器搜集你的活动数据。但这种模式并无法制止康卡斯特等互联网服务提供商监控你的活动。Just 39% of those surveyed knew broadband companies could see your online activity even when youre in private browsing mode.只有39%的受访者告诉,即使你用于隐私网页模式,宽带公司依然可以看见你的网上活动。

Myth 3. Turning off GPS means no one can track me误会3:开动全球定位系统意味著没有人可以追踪我。Almost half of people surveyed either didnt know or were unsure whether disabling GPS prevents all tracking. Your phones built-in location service is just one way data can be collected.将近半数的受访者不告诉或不确认开动全球定位系统否能杜绝一切追踪。

你的手机内置的定位服务只不过只是数据被搜集的一种方式。As Pew Research notes, your phone also connects to cell towers and Wi-Fi networks, and connection to these technologies allows tracking too.皮尤研究中心认为,你的手机还不会与手机信号塔和无线网络连接,从而造成数据被追踪。

Myth 4. My password is enough to protect me误会4:我的密码不足以维护我。Strong passwords are good, but security experts also recommend using two-factor authentication for account security. This means you must have a second login, like a security code sent to your phone, to sign into accounts. It prevents hackers from getting into your account, even if they know the password.强劲的密码很好,但安全性专家也建议使用双重证书来维护账户安全性。这意味著你必需二次指定,比如把验证码发送到你的手机,然后用验证码指定。

这不会制止黑客盗取你的账户,就算他们告诉密码也无计可施。Just 10% of adults can identify one example of two-factor authentication.只有10%的成年人能辨识出有一个双重证书的例子。There is some good news from Pew, however: A vast majority of people can correctly identify a strong password, which includes one with random letters, numbers, and symbols. And 73% know using public Wi-Fi is bad for secure activities, such as paying bills online.不过,皮尤研究中心也有一些好消息:绝大多数人都能准确辨识出有强劲的密码,即随机的字母+数字+符号人组。


