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‘乐动LDSports官方网站’获乐视高管支持 法拉第电动车斥巨资在美建厂

发布日期:2024-10-18 04:11:03 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Faraday Future, an electric car company backed by a Chinese entrepreneur, said on Thursday it would invest $1 billion to build a 900-acre factory in a suburb of Las Vegas.获得了一位中国企业家反对的电动车公司法拉第未来(Faraday Future)周四回应,将投资10亿美元,在拉斯维加斯郊区辟一座占地面积900英亩的工厂。

Faraday Future, an electric car company backed by a Chinese entrepreneur, said on Thursday it would invest $1 billion to build a 900-acre factory in a suburb of Las Vegas.获得了一位中国企业家反对的电动车公司法拉第未来(Faraday Future)周四回应,将投资10亿美元,在拉斯维加斯郊区辟一座占地面积900英亩的工厂。The company, which intends to compete with Tesla Motors but has not yet unveiled a product, said the plant in North Las Vegas would bring 4,500 jobs to the state.该公司想与特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)竞争,但仍未发售任何产品,坐落于北拉斯维加斯的工厂将给所在州带给4500个低收入岗位。“We plan to revolutionize the automobile industry by creating an integrated, intelligent mobility system that protects the earth and improves the living environment of mankind,” Jia Yueting, the billionaire founder and chief executive of Leshi TV, an Internet video service, wrote in a letter to Nevada legislators.“我们计划通过建构一个原始、智能的汽车体系,一个能维护地球,提高人类生活环境的体系,使汽车行业再次发生革命性的转变,”中国互联网视频服务供应商乐视的创始人兼任首席执行官、亿万富翁贾跃亭在给内华达州议员的信中写到。

Faraday has offered little detail on its plans, but the company intends to unveil a concept car on Jan. 4 at the Consumer Electronics Show, a technology trade show in Las Vegas, and it hopes to bring a car to market as early as 2017.法拉第没得出多少细节,但公司计划1月4日在拉斯维加斯的的科技贸易展览消费者电子产品展览(Consumer Electronics Show)上发售一款概念车,并期望最先在2017年上市一款车。The company had been also exploring sites in California, Georgia and Louisiana. Gov. Brian Sandoval of Nevada said on Thursday that Nevada had offered Faraday up to $215 million in incentives. State officials estimated the company would create 13,000 direct and indirect jobs and generate $760 million in tax revenue over 20 years, he said.公司还在实地考察加利福尼亚州、佐治亚洲和路易斯安那州的场地。

内华达州州长布赖恩·桑多瓦尔(Brian Sandoval)周四回应,该州给法拉第获取了价值高达2.15亿美元的优惠。他说道州官员估算,法拉第必要和间接建构的低收入岗位将约1.3万个,并在20年里带给7.6亿美元的税收。Last year, Nevada was also able to woo Tesla to the state to build a $5 billion battery production plant near Reno that it calls the Gigafactory. The state offered tax breaks worth about $1.25 billion over 20 years.去年,内华达州也谋求到了特斯拉去该州,在里诺附近投资50亿美元,修筑被其称为超级电池工厂(Gigafactory)的电池生产厂。

该州为其获取了价值大约12.5亿美元的税收优惠,时间跨度20年。Faraday, based in California, has more than 400 employees, including a leadership team with several former employees of Tesla and other automotive companies. In addition to making electric cars, the company intends to develop “other aspects of the automotive and technology industries, including unique ownership models, in-vehicle content and autonomous driving.”总部坐落于加利福尼亚州的法拉第公司还包括领导团队在内有400多名员工。其多名领导成员曾在特斯拉和其他车企供职。

除生产电动车外,公司还想研发“汽车和科技行业的其他领域,还包括独有的所有权模式、车载内容和自动驾驶”。Faraday could provide a shot in the arm to the electric car industry, which has fallen well short of President Obama’s 2008 goal of having one million cars on the road by 2015. There are about 330,000, and car dealers have shown little enthusiasm for electric cars.法拉第未来将会给电动车行业带给一些动力。


Tesla said in November that it was on track to produce more than 50,000 cars this year, and it began shipping its second model, the Model X, in September.特斯拉曾在11月回应,自己今年的产量未来将会多达5万辆,相提并论其第二款车型Model X月底9月开始销售。In a profile in The Verge, Nick Sampson, a senior vice president for Faraday, said the company would seek to differentiate itself from Tesla, but gave few specifics.在The Verge的一篇专题文章中,法拉第高级副总裁尼克·桑普森(Nick Sampson)回应公司将谋求大同小异特斯拉,但并未做到详尽解释。“Many people look at Tesla and think they’ve done it differently than the traditional auto industry — and they have,” he said. “But there’s other ways and other things we can capitalize on.”“看见特斯拉,很多人指出他们的行事方式不同于传统的汽车行业,显然如此,”他说道。


